Energy, Complexity, and Collapse
Some Headlines from the Book
I am planning to translate the book into English.
Can the way a society obtains energy determine the cultural values of that society?
Was the transition to agriculture a trap that hunter-gatherers fell into and could not escape?
Was the source of social inequality our ability to store energy through grains?
Why do societies rise slowly and fall quickly?
When did the Anthropocene, the symbol of our environmental damage, begin?
Could our complex solutions to our modern problems cause our future to collapse?
What was the common problem that led the Western Roman and Ottoman Empires to collapse?
Why do we fail to perceive the collapse and take precautions?
What will be the main cause of the collapse that awaits the modern world?
Does economic science justify environmental destruction under the name of sustainable growth?
Will we move from a mythological economic science to an ecological economic science?
Is the transition to fossil energy a trap that modern societies have fallen into and cannot escape?
Will Homo Sapiens at the crossroads realize the damage it is causing to nature and reach a new human consciousness?
Titles in the book